September 4, 2011

Ono - Delicious

Since it means delicious, ono is common in restaurant names, such as "Ono Plate Lunch." I still think "oh, no!" and it makes me giggle. In case you were wondering, plate lunch is Hawaiian for "some sort of meat in some sauce with two scoops of rice and a scoop of macaroni salad." You can find this comfort food just about everywhere, from road side trucks to sit down restaurants.

In trying to eat healthier and save money by eating fresh veggies in season, I set out to make a simple pasta primavera. It looked like a nice, hearty, meatless meal. And it was pretty easy, but still required lots of chopping. After about 45 minutes, the kitchen smelled really good and I was excited to try our new dish. The sauce was ready, the cheesy garlic bread was ready, the pasta was ready and the kids were helping set the table. I was about to plate the food, but decided to try the sauce. It was good, but seemed a little bland, so I quick grabbed some parsley and oregano and sprinkled them on. Voila!

Then I realized something looked funny. The parsley didn’t exactly “flake” out of the jar. Then, with that sinking feeling in my stomach, I looked more closely at the “parsley."

Bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. And I didn't just put a little bit on. I had dumped bugs all over.

There was no way to scrape them up. I briefly considered if the family would notice the crunchiness in the food... maybe I could just play dumb... Instead, I decided to fess up to Kyle, who laughed along with me and kept me from crying about my wasted time.

Thankfully, I keep plain old jarred sauce on hand, so the meal was saved. And I only used half of the veggies, so I was able to try it again the next day.

That meal was definitely more "oh, no!" than ono

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! I've done something similar (No bugs though!) and wanted to cry over the wasted time and money as well. I had to keep telling myself "It's not about my time or money, it's about serving my family with JOY." But it still stings a little =)
